Updated: August 22, 2024

Feature Matrix

Data Storage

• SQLite database: Atomic, Consistent, Isolated and Durable (ACID)

• transactional integrity for data safety from memory shortage or power-loss

• virtual storage implementation for rapid access and fluid scrolling through large databases on resource-constrained mobile devices

Data Security

• Apple iOS hardware encryption and device locking integration

• proactive data protection monitoring

Data Design

• Records: object-oriented, compound Types (user-defined, reusable)

• interfacea Glyphs (headings, line breaks, ...)

• Values: basic Types

          • Barcode (scan)

          • Big Number

          • Currency

          • Date

          • Distance (mileage)

          • Drawing (signature capture, signature cards, ...)

          • Duration

          • Email

          • Fractional Number

          • Image

          • iOS Contact (association)

          • Number

          • Note (multi-line)

          • Password (hidden text)

          • Phone Number

          • Time

          • Text

          • Unsigned Number

          • URL (hyperlink)

          • Yes/No

• Choice lists

• Composition (containment) of compound Types

• References to shared Records of a Type

          • Type collaboration (e.g., assign an Employee to a specific Time Card, ...)

• special-purpose Appliances

          • Location (GPS)

          • Time Group (time tracking)

                      • Start Time

                      • End Time

                      • Duration

                      • Break

                      • Timer

          • Expense Group (expense tracking)

                      • Quantity

                      • Cost

                      • Amount

          • Mileage Group (mileage tracking)

                      • Odometer Start

                      • Odometer End

                      • Distance

• a full-fledged data design environment on a mobile device

Data Categorization

• Files of associated Records

• a tree-like structure of Folders of unlimited depth

• nested Folders (Folders inside Folders)

Data Visualization

• support for over 40 locales (iOS) for data input and display

• customizable images for Files

• customizable images for Folders

• inline thumbnails of Record content (Image, Drawing)

• inline toggle of Record content (Yes/No)

Data Collection - User Interface (UI)

• multi-line (configurable) Record display

• multi-level (configurable) Record sorting

• quick-entry Field Views (Date, Time, Duration, ...)

• Record count -based (vertical) scroll within a File

• Record-by-Record (horizontal) navigation within a File

• in-list cross-management of Referenced (linked) Records

• portrait/landscape orientation support

• splitter (dual-pane) support (phablets, tablets)

• side-by-side multitasking support

• photo capture directly inside the application

• support for auto-capitalization, auto-correction and spell checking

Data Collection - Never Enter Data Twice (NED2)

• deep-copy, compound Record duplication

• reusable, persistent Templates (partial Records)

Data Review

• time-frame -based filters (date range: a day, a week, back-forward, ...)

• tag -based filters (pick list: referencing a particular Record of a Type)

• text -based filters (a search bar: content matching)

• reusable, persistent Searches with textual/numeric comparison operators (Starts With, Contains, Equals, Less Than, ...)

Data Reporting

• Fields: column sets

• Summary Variables: numerical value aggregation

• Groups: row association criteria

• Footers: Group summary lines

• HTML CSS styling

Data Utilization

• publish-to-HTML

• comma-separated values (CSV) export and import

• backup and restore

• cloud document exchange

• open a Field with iOS (cross-application data sharing)

Data Synchronization

• synchronization across multiple desktop (macOS) and mobile (iOS) devices

• synchronization through the cloud over a wired or wireless network connection

• zero-setup: Apple iCloud authentication only

• efficient synchronization of data that has changed only (incremental)

• built-in data recovery: automatic detection of local device or remote cloud account replacement with automatic data consolidation

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