Updated: August 22, 2024

Keep Up-to-Date

Before reporting a technical problem, please make sure that you are running the very latest version of your product. You can find out your product version number with the application About command. For comparison, please have a look at the App Store product page - the latest version number is listed in the "Version History" section. Looking down through the "What's New" list, you can also find out whether a specific problem has already been addressed.

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Please consider subscribing to our newsletter for easyAsPieDB product updates, promotions and tutorials. Low traffic, 6 - 12 messages per year. Zero spam. Never shared with third parties.

Getting Help Effectively

When contacting us for e-mail support, please describe the problem as thoroughly as possible. Desktop and mobile software problems can be quite complex due to the number of technologies and products involved cooperatively. The better you describe your issue - the better our chances to quickly find a solution.

Generally, please make sure to include:

  • a product name, a product edition and a product version, available in the application About command
  • a platform version and a mobile device manufacturer/model number
  • a detailed description of the problem and preferably steps to reproduce it
  • any error messages encountered and/or screenshots


Technical Support:

We process most of support requests within 1 business day. If you do not receive an answer within 2 - 3 business days, it is possible that there is a spam filter active on your e-mail account, which prevents our replies from reaching you. In that case, please add the rfcons.com domain to your filter "white-list" and re-send your query.

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